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Child Protection Mandatory Reporting

On 1st October, 2020 the Office of the Children’s Guardian provided a webinar titled: Understanding your reporting obligations in sporting and local government organisations.

The recording for the webinar can be accessed here.

If you are listening from a place where children can hear the webinar the use of headphones is recommended.


Below is some information that was mentioned in the webinar and shared by Harris Short, Child Safe Coordinator, Local Government/Sport, Office of the Children’s Guardian.

For more information, click on the links provided.


Department and Communities and Justice (DCJ)

Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ), previously known as Family and Community Services (FaCS) or Department of Community Services (DoCS), is NSW’s statutory child protection agency. The Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 and Regulation 2012 detail DCJ’s responsibilities in keeping children safe.

A key responsibility is that DCJ is responsible for assessing reports made to the Child Protection Helpline. While anyone in the community can make a report to the Child Protection Helpline, that a child or group of children might be at risk of significant harm, the Care and Protection Act makes it mandatory for some people who work or volunteer in certain roles. For more information

For guidance about making a mandatory report, using the mandatory reporter guide, to submit an e-report, or other information about mandatory reporting, visit


The ‘Joint Child Protection Response Program’ (JCPRP), which used to be called JIRT, aims to provide a seamless service response to children and young people at risk of significant harm as a result of sexual assault, serious physical abuse and extreme neglect. JCPRP is a tri-agency program delivered by the NSW Police Force, Department of Communities and Justice and NSW Health. Joint Referral Unit (JRU) has a representative of each agency to work on joint decision-making around intake to JCPRP. JCPRP investigations are led by detectives from the Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad.

Reportable Conduct

Learn about your obligations under the Reportable Conduct Scheme in our 30min video.

You can find information on the Children’s Guardian website about:

  • Identifying reportable allegations
  • Heads of entities and reportable conduct responsibilities
  • Planning and conducting an investigation
  • Recognising and managing conflicts of interest etc.


Information provided by:

Harris Short | Child Safe Coordinator, Local Government/Sport | Office of the Children’s Guardian

Springwood Bushwalking Club Celebrates 50th Anniversary with Memoir Launch

Springwood Bushwalking Club is concluding a year of celebrations for its 50th anniversary with the launch of their Club memoir entitled “Adventures, Friends and Memories,” on 27th August 2017 at Wentworth Falls.

This book captures some of the many adventures SBC members have experienced, and celebrates the wonderful memories those adventures have provided. Through the Club and its activities, members have formed many lifelong friendships. This 250+ page book is full of amusing stories, anecdotes and photos from throughout its life. It includes the way the Club has changed over the years, as well as reminiscences from former and current members. Each decade of the club is covered extensively, including details of day and extended trips, travel, conservation and social activities, membership, gear and incidents. The final chapters highlight the Life members of SBC and its 50 year celebrations to date.

Anyone who has been a member of SBC will enjoy reading and remembering some of these sojourns into the bush. Those who are not SBC members will be inspired to enjoy the outdoors in a similar way.

You can order your own copy of “Adventures, Friends and Memories” for $25 (+$12 for postage if required). To order, send a bank transfer to:

SBC Special Purpose Account
St George Bank
BSB 112 879
Acc. No. 412 429 591

Along with an email advising your name, contact number, address and how many books (+ postage if required) you have ordered to

If you would like to attend the book launch, please get in touch with SBC by email for more details.

Save the Trees and Animals Rally and March this Sunday 4 December

Save the Trees and Animals Network is running a Rally and March this Sunday 4 December 2-4pm Belmore Park, then 5-8pm Hyde Park North in the city. The objective is to gather community support for and raise awareness of trees and animals in Sydney in light of urban development plans. There will be stalls on the day and speeches – John would like to invite you to hold a stall (card table and flyers) or speak.

Dedicated to actively saving trees & animals