Club Affiliation


Non-commercial bushwalking clubs in NSW and ACT are encouraged to join Bushwalking NSW Inc. Contact us now to learn how to join.

An annual administration fee is charged, based on club membership numbers, which gives clubs access to the following benefits as well as cost effective annual accident, public liability and association liability insurance. Obtain further details of the insurance cover from the Bushwalking Australia website.


By affiliation with Bushwalking NSW Inc. your club and club members can:

  • Unite with organisations interested in recreational bushwalking, camping and outdoor activities, including alpine walking, snow skiing, orienteering, rogaining, liloing, abseiling, canyoning, caving, canoeing, kayaking, and cycling
  • Connect with over 10,000 bushwalkers in 67 affiliated clubs
  • Receive professionally-researched guidance on many issues clubs face, such as risk management and publicity
  • Access Bushwalking Australia accident, public liability and association liability insurance for NSW & ACT clubs at cost effective rates – see the Bushwalking Australia website
  • Coordinate effective lobbying on conservation issues to government agencies at local, state and federal level, especially where it affects bushwalkers
  • Promote your club with a listing on the Bushwalking NSW Inc. website
  • Access information on conservation, bush safety, bushwalking, and tracks and access issues through monthly e-newsletters, the website and email alerts
  • Enjoy our entertaining and informative quarterly General Meetings. Express an opinion and discuss bushwalking issues with delegates from affiliated clubs
  • Have NSW and ACT issues which concern your club effectively represented to Bushwalking Australia, the peak national body for non-commercial bushwalking
  • Host your website on the Bushwalking NSW website

Further details of the benefits of affiliation can be found here.

More information on the governance of Bushwalking NSW can be found in the constitution.

Join Us

Contact us now for further information on how to form a recreational bushwalking/hiking/outdoor club and become one or our members. Just enquire by phone or through our Contact Us form and we will be in touch directly.